Сообщение отредактировал Clarias: 09 января 2010 - 11:01

Определение пола сколопендр
, 09 янв 2010 11:00
Сообщений в теме: 5
Отправлено 09 января 2010 - 11:00
Вот встретил тему:
Душат их наверное вот так:
Отправлено 10 января 2010 - 09:45
Вопрос о том чем душить животину для меня не стоял, потому как у меня есть СО- реактор. Но наткнулся на итересную мысль, о простом и малобюджетном решении :
Well I used baking soda and vinegar. So I took a soda bottle and put a 1" layer of baking soda at the bottom. After that was done I held a balloon in one hand and the vinegar in the other. Right after you poor the vinegar into the container it starts to fizz and give off the Co2. Take the balloon as fast as you can and use it to cap the top of the bottle. The balloon will start to fill up, but the reaction is not that strong so as the fizzing stops squeeze the bottle so the air in the bottle fills the balloon.
I already had the T in an airtight container (well mostly air tight it was a deli container with no holes in it) You crack the lid and let the balloons contents empty and close the lid right away.
Almost within the first minute you could see the Co2 starting to work. First I saw her spreading her fangs wide like she was trying to breath through her mouth, then she started trying to bite the container, then she started to get clumsy, then she lost her grip on the walls and slid off. After she had lost her motor skills I still waited about 10 minutes for her to become all the way still. Its a bit of a guessing game. To much Co2 for to long and she dies, and to little she would have woke up in the middle of the surgery. I just happened to guess right with the amount this time. She was down maybe 20 minutes start to finish.
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First of all that was amazing what you did, your really talented. VERY cooL!
In the future, i dont know if you know this or not, but taking bakers yeast and sugar works very well to have a more controllable longer supply of Co2. The more yeast you add and smaller amount of sugar, the lower amount of Co2 and longer it will last, up the sugar and you get more Co2 and it does not last quite as long. By long duration (low concentration) im talking up to 2 weeks constant supply Co2, short duration (high concentration) 2-3 days. You can measure the amount by placing the formula in a pop bottle, rigging up aquarium hose out the top of the pop bottle and then placing the aquarium tube under water. The more bubbles you get in a lower amount of time the higher the Co2 levels.
Сообщение отредактировал Clarias: 10 января 2010 - 09:52
Отправлено 12 января 2011 - 17:56
Может все-таки СО2-реактор?как у меня есть СО- реактор.
Отправлено 16 января 2011 - 16:20
Esox Вполне может быть:)
Я всего лишь использовал сленг аквариумистов. Из статьй понятно о чем конкретно идет речь, но все равно спасибо за уточнение, я бы не обратил внимания.
Я всего лишь использовал сленг аквариумистов. Из статьй понятно о чем конкретно идет речь, но все равно спасибо за уточнение, я бы не обратил внимания.
Отправлено 17 января 2011 - 03:54
Просто СО и СО2 имеют очень разные свойства, угарным газом скорее можно заморить, нежели наркотизировать.
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